Monday, May 21, 2007


this past week has been insane. i've had one day off in a month. many of my days i work 12-14 hours. this week was particularly hectic because it was the official opening of don't quit your night job. also, rci was managing the new dramatists luncheon honoring edward albee which was also on the same day. so of course, working my butt off. not that i mind, but i just want a weekend, you know? i'm getting very tired and not as happy as i once was. some sleep and relaxation would help that immensly.

then on friday i found out that sunday would be my last day on the show. elizabeth, the company manager, fought to keep me and is deeply unhappy about it. but the higher-ups are doing budget cuts, and thus the ticketing part of my job will be handled by the venue owner and the other aspects of my position will be handled by elizabeth. it wasn't much notice and rather than make a game plan on what i'm going to do to fix it, i drank heavily all weekend. on friday after the show, i went out with louie, the sound guy for don't quit and we closed out house of brews. the sun was coming up as i was going home, although i don't remember actually getting home. heh. i also was reminded that sharpee doesn't wash off easily.

then after the shows yesterday, elizabeth and i went to sweet carolines, an event at ha! that happens after our show. again, i got home about 4:30 and i have no idea how much i drank. being buddies with the bartender can be a dangerous thing. i remember doing at least 6 shots from everything from vodka and tequila to lemon drops and red headed sluts and blow jobs (see picture below). And every time i turned around i had a new g&t, so who knows how many of those i drank. needless to say, i have many stories from last night. some of which inlude a lesbian licking my arm, a navy guy doing push ups so i'd give him a kiss, having the bar manager pour jameson down my throat on multiple occasions, and pole dancing on the bar.

and so today was my last day as assistant company manager on don't quit. i was at ha! trying to make sure that everyone was trained properly, when i mentioned that i was officially out of a job. anthony, the venue owner hadn't realized this. he thought i'd still be working on the show, just not doing ticketing. nope. so he offered me a job. so i'll still be working on don't quit, but in a slightly different capacity. i won't have the asst. manager duties, but i'll still be doing the ticketing. and also two nights a week i'll be hostessing at the club. so now my weekends will be thursdays and fridays. the pay isn't as good, but at least it's something until i can figure out what the hell i'm doing...again. and i'm still involved in theater. elizabeth is still going to train me to cover for her if she's out, so i can pick up some extra cash doing that as well. but at least i have a buffer for now...that i don't think i would have had if i hadn't partied hard last night.
so again, things are up in the air. but i think i'll have to get used to that working in theater and all...

and now i'll leave you with some pictures from the evening...

May 19, 2007 - Sweet Caroline's Rock and Roll Dueling Piano Show @ Ha! Comedy Club -

my new boss anthony, me, elizabeth, and the random navy guy (pre pushups)

right before i got up on the bar...

May 19, 2007 - Sweet Caroline's Rock and Roll Dueling Piano Show @ Ha! Comedy Club -

and of course the ever famous blowjob shot...(elizabeth's smile says it all)

May 19, 2007 - Sweet Caroline's Rock and Roll Dueling Piano Show @ Ha! Comedy Club -

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