Monday, June 18, 2007

do over

i sometimes feel that my life, as i'm living it now, is just a sort of test run. that one day i'm going to wake up in my bed in bahrain, 15 again, like this was all a dream, but a little wiser. i would know what to really focus on, what choices to make, and what to let slide.

i realize that if my life were a movie or a novel and this were to happen, that the course of my life could be significantly altered. i do believe that there are certain places you are meant to be, things you are meant to do, and people who you are meant to have in your life, so although my life path may be altered, i would still be hitting those marks and meeting those people. but who knows, maybe very little would change...maybe after a time, my wisdom would fade and i'd end up doing the same damn things i've already done.

still, i'd like to try it and see what happens.

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