Monday, January 22, 2007

i'm employed!...sort of

this was posted on my other blog on january 12...i'm trying to keep both of these up, so please accept my apology for this being a little late...

i should be learning the three scenes i got last night for my callback tonight, but i can't focus, because i just got really good news, and had to share. after being really down about the state of my life lately, but good things have started happening!!!!!

last week i had an audition for a theater company that owned the theater i did crackwalker in. they called me in because the artistic director had seen crackwalker and i guess really liked me. i walked in to the theater, nervous as all hell because i don't audition well, and they aplauded me. three of them came up to me and told me how much they loved me in crackwalker. talk about pressure! and as i left, they asked me to pick up sides for another character in the show as well...which pretty much signaled me that i had a call back. they rescheduled my callback a couple of times and then last night asked me to look at three more scenes for three other characters. i'm freaking out a bit. i feel like i don't have the time to spend on any of the scenes or characters, but i guess it means they really want to use me, huh? i'd really like to get in this show because this company is well established and gets tons of press, etc. it could mean good things.

i'm also excited about a character i'll be playing in the next poy show, 5 years later...i'll be playing death. :) i'm also doing the costume design. should be fun.
and i've just gotten wind that i may be able to assist in the designing of 30 burlesque costumes (and get paid for it)...thanks for thinking of me sabrina. :) that's totally right up my alley and sounds pretty exciting.

and for the kicker...

i just got offered a job at a broadway/off-broadway theatrical management company. it's just two days a week and the pay is crap, but it's a step in the right direction! i could i not? i start tuesday. so yay! i'm excited!

it was suggested i buy a lottery ticket today. maybe i will. :)

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