these were all taken on my last night in london. we started drinking early (and i even partook of a few on the tube) on our way to a gay arabic night at a lesbian bar somewhere in south london.

that night i met some pretty awesome people! hopefully we'll keep in touch. unfortunately leena isn't in any of these pics because she was the one taking them.
for some reason we all felt the urge to sit on aj. (i'm the one on top)

i danced a lot and had quite a few partners. dancing with depak

i really like this picture of aj and i. it looks like a planet is about to pass between us and the camera.

one of my most interesting dancing partners:

the group: aj, me, claire, depak. not pictured are leena, rowaida, zara, depak's sister, and some blonde girl who was WAY too drunk.

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