the gallery itself is a converted car garage and is actually pretty tiny (but meticulously clean and white). the sculpture was the only thing on display other than a podium with some info about the gallery and a display case with some pro-life propaganda in it.
it's odd that a pro-life sculpture of such a high profile would be on display in trendy, liberal williamsburg. it must have just been for the shock value.
so we walked around and viewed her from all angles. the sculpture doesn't even really look like her (the artist admits that britney did not actually pose for it and britney has not released any comments about it, either for or against the piece) and the hips are far too wide for a woman of that small frame. and yes, it's all anatomically correct. what makes it more disturbing is that it's got a pinkish glaze over it that makes it almost as if you're looking at a real person.
i think hatim and eric were much more traumatized than i was. so we stopped by this amazing french place on the way home for crepes and coffee and all was well with the world again.
i'm including some pictures...not for the weak of heart (or stomach)...

for me, it was more of a 'wow, there is something trashier than britney in real life' mental adjustment than trauma.
that said, i wonder how the artist made the decision on how to depict the browneye, cuz it really was the most detailed feature
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