a friend sent this poem to me a while back and i love it! it's too funny...and true. i just had to share.
My Pain Keeps Me Regular
--Edward Thomas Herrera
My pain
My pain
My pain
My pain is better than anyone else’s
My pain is more serious than anyone else’s
My pain is more important than anyone else’s
Compared to my pain
Everyone else’s pain is petty
Everyone else’s pain is meaningless
Everyone else’s pain is a day at the beach a walk in the park a
Piece of fucking cake
It’s my pain
My pain my pain
My pain beating breasts
My pain licking open sores
My pain crying thick red tears of arterial blood
My pain twisting the knife blade around and around and around
My pain representative of all the injustice that has ever happened
Is happening
Or will happen to anyone anywhere anyhow
My pain
My pain
My pain
I blame my lovers
I blame my parents
I blame organized religion
I blame the current administration
I blame the capitalist system of economics
But most importantly
I blame everyone who has ever lived
Because they have all been party to my torment
If not directly
Then indirectly
If you don’t believe me
Just give me a little time
I can find blood on your hands
Somehow somewhere some way
Trust me
My pain
My pain
My pain
Some say I need to get over it transcend
Some say I need to put it all behind me go on with my life
Some say I may require professional help in order to accomplish all this
But what do they know?
They’ve never experienced my pain
My pain is so truly enormously unique
If I don’t dwell on it then just who would?
My pain
My pain
My pain
Boy howdy does the world owe me but big time
My pain
My pain
My pain
My pain
Allows me to be bitter and resentful
Towards those who have caused my suffering
Towards those who do not share my suffering
Towards those who have not heard about my suffering
My pain
Releases me from the responsibility
Of having to accomplish something with my life
Because I can always blame my failure on my status
As a member of a socially disenfranchised group of people
My pain
Makes me the most important person in this room
And if you don’t agree with me
That’s because you don’t understand
And there’s something horribly horribly wrong with you
Thank you